60th Anniversary celebrations!
October 23, 2022
We are very excited to be marking the 60th anniversary of the practice this November.
The surgery operated for a few years at another site but moved to its current location on the corner of Clarendon Street and Earl Street in 1962.
This makes us both the oldest surgery in central Cambridge and the only remaining independent practice, and we are very proud of both these achievements!
We will be celebrating with a practice open afternoon on Saturday November 19th from 2.30 pm.
Clients, pets, friends and neighbours are all very welcome. We will be having a display of old photos and memories, a behind-the-scenes tour, our ’60 dogs on the sofa’ display, a glass of bubbly and some light refreshments. We will also be announcing the winner of our Children’s Drawing Competition (please see our Facebook page or contact the surgery for more details) and a few details of the practice loyalty scheme that we hope to launch in the New Year.
We would love it if you could join us, so please pop in for a drink and a chat, and if you have any special memories you would like to share with us (or even old photos of the area to add to our collection) we would love to hear from you.
With thanks for your continued support,
Patrick, Harriet and all the Clarendon Street team.