Get grass seed savvy this summer!

August 5, 2021

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Grass seed season is here!

In the last few weeks we have had a real increase in dogs coming into the surgery with grass seed related problems.

Grass seeds are particularly problematic due to their shape and structure. They are arrow like, pointed at the tip with barbs further down, meaning they go in to an ear or eye with ease but can be challenging to remove, with pets often requiring sedation.

Seeds are dispersed when dogs run through long grass, becoming tangled in longer fur, getting wedged between hairy toes, lodged in eyes and ears and in some cases even inhaled. Those that get lost in the fur can, with time, work their way into the skin and sometimes move around the body, causing irritation and pain as well as potential infection.

Signs that your dog may have a grass seed on board included sneezing, head shaking, holding the head to one side, excessive licking and chewing or a small lump between pads, sometimes with a little discharge or small wound visible. These symptoms may appear immediately after a run in the park, or a little while later when a seed has worked its way under the skin.

If you want to find out more about preventative action and how to check your dog for grass seeds before they become problematic have a read of the article below.

If you are concerned about your dog do not hesitate to give us a call at the surgery for further help and advice.

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