March 25, 2020

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Dear Clients and Colleagues,
As our government has now imposed stricter measures in order to reduce the spread of  COVID-19, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has requested that all vet practices minimise their face to face contact with their clients with immediate effect.
In the interest of public health and under direction of the RCVS we will be postponing all non-emergency in-clinic appointments for at least the next three weeks when the situation will be reviewed and further instruction will be given.
We will continue to support our clients, patients and community alike by providing consultations via telephone or video link. The clinic will be open for a short period each day for the collection of repeat medication but this must be pre-arranged via telephone or email. Please allow 3days for repeat prescriptions.
If you are unable to leave your house to collect medication or to get your pet to us in an emergency, please call us on 01223 359 021 and we will make arrangements to assist you. We ask our clients to comply with the government advice and restrictions and not to visit the practice without prior arrangement. Thankyou in advance for your cooperation.
Please stay safe, stay inside and look out for one another.
With Kind Regards,
The Clarendon Street Veterinary Surgery

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