New lockdown rules say you can walk your dog more than once a day

January 25, 2021

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The recent lockdown rules on leaving your house only once a day to exercise left many of our dogs bored and frustrated, causing added stress for their owners, so we are very happy to see that the Government has recently updated it’s rules to make dog walking exempt from the ‘exercising outdoors once per day’ rule.

The advise is still that you should exercise only once a day if possible. However, updated rules state you can go out more often if you need to walk your dog, provided that you stay within the local area.

This means you may leave your house to walk your dog:
– by yourself
– with the people you live with
– with your support bubble (if you’re legally permitted to form one)
– or, when on your own in a public outdoor space, with one person from another household

Of course you still need to behave responsibly, staying 2 metres away from anyone outside of your household or support bubble, keeping your dog on a lead when walking in areas used by other people to ensure you can stay a safe distance from others , and washing your hands before and after going out with your dog.

The new rules make life easier for owners with no garden for ‘toilet time’, and owners who are the sole dog walker. They’ll also help owners and dogs where only short walks can be managed, or for dogs with higher exercise requirements.

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