Patrick’s tips on preparing your home for a baby rabbit

March 14, 2020

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Rabbits make great pets and lovely companions, so if you’re thinking of getting one you’re making a good choice. If you’re looking to bring a baby bunny home there are a few basics to ponder before you take the step, so our vet Patrick has compiled a ticklist to guide you.

If you still have questions after reading this advice, please don’t hesitate to contact Clarendon Street Vets and our friendly team will be happy to answer them.

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When to bring a bunny home:

If you’re getting a baby rabbit they will need to have been weaned, so you shouldn’t get one that’s less than eight weeks old. At this stage they should be eating pretty much the same diet as a mature rabbit, ie hay and pellets, but as their digestive systems are still maturing it’s best not to make any sudden changes to diet.


Rabbits are sociable creatures and like the company of their own kind, so you might want to think about getting two – it’s no more bother than having one.


Rabbits need quite a lot of space to run and jump in, so a good-sized pen is necessary, along with a cosy hutch for them to snuggle into. They also like to burrow, so it’s a good idea to provide some kind of tray filled with dirt for them to get their claws into.


All rabbits should be vaccinated against myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease, which can both be fatal, so please make an appointment to get this done and to discuss neutering, which is also recommended. Rabbits can also be susceptible to fly-strike in hot weather, so they must be regularly checked and their hutches kept clean.

House rabbits:

If you’re thinking of keeping your rabbit as a house pet, do take extra care to make all cabling secure and put all houseplants out of reach in case they are toxic to rabbits.

Hopefully this checklist helps as a very basic guide, and of course you can always pop into Clarendon Street Veterinary Surgery or contact us on 01223 359021 for further information.

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