Rabbit diet tips from Clarendon Street Vets

August 21, 2018

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It’s all about the hay and fresh green veg – along with a few pellets – when it comes to feeding your rabbit and Clarendon Street Vets has some recommendations for the best diet at various life stages.

Our list of suggestions for what your rabbit can and can’t eat is by no means exhaustive, but we can fill you in more on which plants are best and which are to be avoided at all costs when you contact us.

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This is the most important element in your rabbit’s diet and they need a bundle that’s around their own size every day. Grass hay, especially timothy, is best for bunnies, providing plenty of fibre to help digestion and keep their ever-growing teeth down through chewing.

While young rabbits (up to about seven months) can eat alfalfa and clover hays, they are high in protein and calcium, which can lead to kidney and bladder problems in older rabbits.


Dark, leafy vegetables should make up the majority of the handful of fresh plants you can feed your rabbit each day. They should be introduced into the diet gradually as rabbits have quite delicate constitutions.

Some vegetables, including carrots, are quite high in sugar so should be fed in moderation.

Because of their strong tastebuds bunnies will try anything – even if it’s poisonous – so always check with our head nurse Sarah Berry if you’re in any doubt as to whether a plant or herb is safe.


A small amount of good quality pellets should be fed each day, decreasing as your rabbit grows older. Make sure they are high in fibre and low in protein as high protein can lead to obesity and other health issues.


Fruit makes the best treat, but remember it’s high in sugar so be cautious when it comes to quantity. Rabbits are particularly fond of strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pineapple and deseeded apples.


Never feed chocolate, pasta, seeds or high-fibre cereals to your rabbit. If you’re unsure of what treats might be unsafe, the team in Clarendon Street will be happy to advise when you contact us or bring your bunny for a health check.

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