What’s new at Clarendon Street Vets?

February 7, 2022

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We hope you all had a good break over Christmas and the New Year and that 2022 finds you in good health.

We all enjoyed a short break after a very busy year.

The practice continues to grow … We have registered lots of new pets in the last few months. It seems that the recent boom in pet ownership is ongoing despite the return to more ‘normal’ working practices. It’s been lovely to meet so many new companions and to catch up with old friends.

2022 marks 60 years since the practice moved to its current site at Clarendon Street! We are the only remaining independent practice in the city and are very proud of our history and ethos. We will be celebrating this anniversary later in the year with a collection of photos of the surgery (and some of the staff) in years gone by …

Our opening hours are still a little more limited than before the pandemic and we appreciate it can be difficult to arrange an appointment if you work throughout the week. We have started running a later clinic on a Wednesday evening, offering appointments up until 6pm, to make things a little easier. We will see what the uptake is like in the coming months.

We are still proceeding with caution and limiting the number of people in the building. Our main aim is to keep everyone healthy and prevent having to ever close the practice due to staff shortages. We are fortunate to have been able to continue to offer a service to our clients all the way through the pandemic and thank you for your patience with the necessary restrictions.

We have just started allowing one person to wait in the reception area with their pet and appreciate it if masks can be worn while inside the building. We know it has not been much fun waiting outside in the cold, and we are all looking forward to some Spring sunshine. We do provide outdoor seating and even invested in some new cushions before Christmas and a giant flask to allow us to offer festive hot chocolate to waiting clients!

We wish you all the very best for 2022 and look forward to seeing you in the coming months.

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