Routine Healthcare
We like to think that caring for your pets means more than simply treating them when they are poorly. We are great believers in maintaining health through preventative care.
Cats are vaccinated against viruses that cause severe flu-like symptoms, Feline Leukaemia virus (a cancer-inducing disease of cats) and Panleukopaenia virus (a fatal gastroenteritis). In kittens the initial course of two vaccinations is administered at 9 and 12 weeks. Annual booster vaccinations are required to maintain immunity.
Dogs are vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis. A vaccine for Kennel Cough is recommended in high risk situations such as kennels, doggy day care, if you have a dog who is regularly walked in high density areas, or in the case of a localised outbreak. In puppies the initial course of vaccinations is administered at 8 and 12 weeks of age. In some cases, we will split the second vaccination, seeing puppies at 8,10 and 12 weeks of age to allow for earlier socialisation, which can start 1 week after the second vaccination, at 11 weeks of age.
We routinely use the Nobivac L4 vaccination for puppies. If you are unsure if this is compatible with other vaccinations your puppy may already have had, feel free to give us a call to discuss.
Rabies vaccination is required for obtaining an Animal Health certificate and must be given at least 21 days before travel. Your pet may require one or two injections. Boosters are required every 1-3 years depending on the brand of vaccine (although when visiting certain countries, annual vaccination may be needed.) Puppies must be at least 3 months of age before they can be vaccinated again Rabies.
Rabbits should be vaccinated yearly against myxomatosis and VHD (viral haemorrhagic disease) both of which are almost certainly fatal if contracted and prevalent in East Anglia. Rabbits can be vaccinated from 6 weeks of age. The VHD vaccine is given 2 weeks after the myxomatosis vaccine.
Flea and worm treatments:
Worm treatments are available in tablet, spot-on or powder form and are available over the counter. Our flea treatments are either in tablet form or as spot-on treatments, and are prescription medications, meaning we will need to examine your pet at least every 6 months (in accordance with the Veterinary Medicines Regulations Act 2005 and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons guidelines.) This ensures the treatment and dose are effective, and that there are no undesirable side effects. Flea and worm treatments can be provided or administered during routine appointments for vaccination, or can be ordered in advance from the surgery provided we have seen your pet within the previous 6 months.
We begin neutering cats and dogs from 6 months of age, providing we consider them to be large enough and able to cope with surgery. We are happy to discuss the best time for neutering with you prior to booking the procedure. We are sometimes able to neuter dogs and cats earlier than 6 months of age if there are any behavioural issues, or in some instances may recommend delaying neutering, so feel free to get in touch if you have any concerns. Rabbits can be neutered earlier, from 5 months.
Pre and post-op procedures will be explained to you upon booking.